François Mitterrand

21st President of the French Republic more on Wikipedia

Jean Garrigues, historian: "The controversies about the massacres of Hamas reveal the historica... 1yr
France, the former centrist minister and leader Léotard died France 1yr
Robert Badinter, the lawyer who fought to end the death penalty in France France 3yrs
France in focus - France marks 40 years since abolition of death penalty France 3yrs
French public divided over death penalty 40 years after its abolishment France 3yrs
In Kigali, Emmanuel Macron hopes the "gift" of forgiveness on the part of the survivors of the... France 3yrs
‘An extraordinary politician’: François Mitterrand’s presidential victory, 40 years on 3yrs
France in the Chadian Nasse France Chad 3yrs
France in the Chadian Nasse France Chad 3yrs
General Jean Varret: The Duclert report on Rwanda allows to "get out of twenty-six years of ste... Rwanda 3yrs
Duclert Report on Rwanda: Macron salutes "a considerable advance", Kigali "a step important" France Rwanda 3yrs
General Henri Bentégeat: "Seducing often wins over governing" 4yrs
Video. What François Mitterrand's archives reveal about France's role in Rwanda France Rwanda 4yrs
Thirty years on from reunification, the contours of the new Germany are still emerging US Russia Germany Spain Netherlands France UK Italy Iraq Afghanistan Kosovo Mali Lithuania East Germany Federal Republic of Germany German Democratic Republic 4yrs
French court allows access to archives on 1994 Rwanda genocide France Rwanda 4yrs
France grants researcher access to Mitterrand’s archive on Rwandan genocide France Rwanda 4yrs
'Bill Clinton talks loudly, fails to act': envoys’ barbed missives to John Major 5yrs
Ieoh Ming Pei, architect of the Louvre Pyramid, is dead China 5yrs
Hubert Védrine: "France accused of complicity in genocide, it's disgusting!" France Rwanda 5yrs