Sergey Skripal

Ukrainian-born was convicted of spying for the United Kingdom more on Wikipedia

New Litvinenko & Skripal allegations against Moscow timed to distract from West's defeat in Afg... Russia UK Afghanistan 3yrs
A rough break up with May and Putin. The Prime Minister of Great Britain said that he knew the... Russia UK Great Britain 5yrs
Trace of GRU in Bulgaria. The Kremlin stood behind poisoning a businessman who sold arms to Ukr... Bulgaria Ukraine 6yrs
Russians accused of poisoning agent Skripal were secretly in the Czech Republic Russia Czech Republic 6yrs
Putin calls Sergey Skripal a ‘scumbag’ and a ‘traitor to his homeland’ Russia UK 6yrs
The Skripal poisoning issue It's not gay but gieroj Russia 6yrs
Poisoning of Sergey Skripal. The real identity of one of the suspects was revealed UK 6yrs
Couple feels bad at the restaurant, fear returns to Salisbury Russia 6yrs
Investigators of the Bellingcat group: Skripal's accused by London of poisoning are Russian age... Russia UK 6yrs
GRUsso turisto, or the legend of non-tremendous people [WHAT'S WRONG in Russia] Russia UK 6yrs
'Suspects Skripal attack' give interview Russia England 6yrs
Putin: 'Skripal suspects' are ordinary citizens Russia UK 6yrs
Poisoning of Sergey Skripal. The USA, France, Germany and Canada condemn Russia for the novice... US Russia Germany Canada France Great Britain 6yrs
These are suspects of murder attempt Skripals (photos) UK 6yrs
Scotland Yard: two Russians suspected in poisoning Sergey Skripal Russia UK Scotland 6yrs
These are suspects of murder attempt Skripals UK 6yrs
Trump has no choice but to sharpen the course against Russia? 90 days of truth Russia UK 6yrs