Team Trump

Latest stories about Team Trump

"Team Trump is considering start election campaign November 14" 2yrs
Trump allies' fake Electoral College certificates offer fresh insights about plot to overturn B... 3yrs
Capitol riots: One year on, Team Trump is as active and as defiant as ever 3yrs
Trump's campaign gives out the WRONG NUMBER for Michigan officials 4yrs
Joe Biden clinches Electoral College win by taking California 4yrs
What Trump will do next (and what he won't) US Iran 4yrs
No Kraken on Tuck’s: Team Trump’s Powell tells Fox host to do ‘own investigation’ when asked fo... 4yrs
Hilarious about Team Trump press conference at garden contractor: sex shop not happy US 4yrs
Hilariousness at Team Trump's press conference at garden contractor US 4yrs
Hilariousness at Team Trump's press conference at garden contractor US 4yrs
Protesters demand all votes be counted as lawsuit draws Team Trump to Pennsylvania 4yrs
Let's recap the biggest Trump Team departures — and if they still support their former boss 4yrs
"Democrats smell opportunity in Republican Texas" US 4yrs
Rose Garden rendezvous that spiked Team Trump 4yrs
United States: between Donald Trump's campaign and the events in Kenosha, the unbearable contra... US 4yrs
White House attacks on Fauci described as 'nuclear grade bananas' 4yrs
Trump is facing the thing he dreads most 4yrs
Trump Administration Preps New Weapons Sale To Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 4yrs
Trump’s impeachment hearing lawyer claims Democrats are asking senators to ‘tear up the ballots... 4yrs

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The Kurds Spotted Baghdadi. The U.S. Abandoned Them Anyway. US Syria 5yrs
What is Trump trying to cover up about his Saudi phone calls and Jamal Khashoggi’s murder? | Wi... Saudi Arabia 5yrs
Whistleblower timeline: Team Trump contacts and Ukraine Ukraine 5yrs
Opinion | How Utopia Birthed Dystopia 5yrs
Officials: Mueller showed Team Trump left itself wide open to Russians US 5yrs
Team Trump’s main crime is incompetence US Russia 5yrs
Can someone please yell ‘It’s trade, stupid’ to Team Trump? China 5yrs
Team Trump's shifting stories in the Russia probe Russia 5yrs
US-Chinese trade dispute: Trump's team travels to China China 6yrs
The rockets from Gaza prove peace is a pipe dream right now Israel 6yrs
Why is democracy faltering? 6yrs
Team Trump says NBC News edited Holt's exclusive interview. Here's the truth 6yrs
Team Trump’s Magical Thinking on Palestine US 6yrs
Michael Cohen's latest big allegation, and the growing list of Team Trump's false scandal denia... Russia 6yrs
Team Trump’s ‘deep state’ paranoia fans conspiracy theories US Turkey 6yrs
Giuliani's statement tells us a lot about what's worrying Team Trump US 6yrs
New Trump lawyer has the perfect résumé to take on Russia case, colleagues say Russia 6yrs
Trump Hires Lawyer Who Represented Clinton in Impeachment Japan 6yrs