Max Keiser

American broadcaster more on Wikipedia

‘Something is very wrong with gold’ if Lego outperforms it – Max Keiser 3yrs
Grab popcorn & watch US dollar collapse – Max Keiser US 3yrs
Trillion-dollar platinum coin scheme to save US economy is a fraud – Max Keiser US 3yrs
‘Global plantation of slavelandia’: RT’s Keiser Report looks at fat cats getting fatter by tyin... 3yrs
Will accelerated printing of fiat money result in the 15-minute recession? RT’s Keiser Report t... US 3yrs
What’s behind runaway inflation in the US? RT’s Keiser Report finds out US 3yrs
US stimulus money all going to China – Max Keiser China US 3yrs
Why should Americans go back to work when they can get free government money? – Max Keiser US 3yrs
US chipmakers begging for government bailout after manufacturing moved to Asia – Max Keiser US 3yrs
US chipmakers begging for government bailout after manufacturing moved to Asia – Max Keiser US 3yrs
US inflation numbers are understated, could be up to 20% – RT’s Keiser Report US 3yrs
Gap between rich & poor growing ‘spectacularly’ as central banks continue to print – Max Keiser 3yrs
Switching to renewables is another nail in US dollar’s coffin – RT’s Keiser Report US 3yrs
‘Once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, you can’t get it back in’ – Max Keiser 3yrs
Cash is turning into trash, just like in Venezuela, says Max Keiser Venezuela 3yrs
Banks figure out new ways to rip people off by changing laws to get away with it – Max Keiser 3yrs
Gold is manipulated since it doesn’t have true price discovery – Max Keiser 3yrs
‘We turned essential services into a casino,’ energy market expert tells Max Keiser after Texas... 3yrs
Max Keiser: What if bitcoin is not the bubble, but the pin? 3yrs

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Going in for a kill: Redditors going after targets they perceive to have stolen their money in... 4yrs
Occupy Wall Street 2.0: ‘This time, activists intend to DESTROY the system from within’ – Max K... 4yrs
China’s century: Yuan to dethrone US dollar as major global currency, trend forecaster tells Ma... China US 4yrs
We’re all going to be trillionaires because US dollar has no bottom & bitcoin has no top – Max... US 4yrs
US central bank is the SERIAL KILLER of small businesses – Max Keiser US 4yrs
US facing PEASANT REVOLT as Americans demand free cash – Max Keiser US 4yrs
US dollar demise will soon be attributed to bitcoin rise – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Next year will be ‘good time to die’ for ‘fabulous fiction’ of fiat system – RT’s Keiser Report 4yrs
Warren Buffett is a leech living on US government bailouts – Max Keiser US 4yrs
America is surrendering its empire & handing it over to China – Max Keiser China US 4yrs
Global fiat-money Ponzi scheme collapsing & we are going BACK TO POVERTY – Max Keiser 4yrs
Get as much bitcoin as possible with great reset coming for global economy – Max Keiser 4yrs
Saudi Arabia 'financed itself into oblivion' & now entire country is at risk of going under – M... Saudi Arabia 4yrs
Bitcoin is taking over gold’s place, while bullion becomes the ‘new aluminum’ — Max Keiser 4yrs
Bitcoin will get rid of all empires, including the American one – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Everything on planet Earth will someday be priced in Bitcoin – Max Keiser 4yrs
BRICS+ nations will have their own financial systems to avoid dollar & drunken sailors at print... UK 4yrs
Price target $300,000? Bitcoin has no top because fiat money has no bottom — Max Keiser 4yrs
‘Big guns’ of global financial world dumping US dollar in favor of bitcoin & gold – Max Keiser US 4yrs
US is living in a sea of debt, but the storm is coming – Max Keiser US 4yrs
US will see another financial crash if Biden is elected – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Fed boss Jerome Powell is ‘Godzilla,’ worshipped like a magical creature for his money-printing... 4yrs
Game over for Empire of Debt: US dollar hegemony no longer works, says Max Keiser US 4yrs
China in post-Covid race for global economic dominance – Max Keiser China 4yrs
We’re moving from the American century to a Chinese century – Max Keiser China 4yrs
The death of the American Empire will come from suicide – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Governments worldwide getting ready to allow banks to fail – Max Keiser 4yrs
We’re sinking on the ‘global financial Titanic’ that hit iceberg in 2008 – Max Keiser 4yrs
JPMorgan & four other major banks moving trillions in dirty money like the FIVE CRIME FAMILIES... 4yrs
US economy is a hologram composed of memes like Tesla – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Global economy has no capacity to carry any more debt – Max Keiser 4yrs
‘Toxic debt’ is about to bring an end to American ‘game of Monopoly’ - Max Keiser US 4yrs
US economy DEAD & no ‘formaldehyde of fiat money’ could reanimate it – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Gold has one huge disadvantage & it’s why gold standard failed, research analyst tells Max Keis... 4yrs
Tesla is a meme as global economy is fueled by collective delusion – Max Keiser 4yrs
America becoming another banana republic – Max Keiser US 4yrs
Central bankers are losing the war on gold, author tells Max Keiser 4yrs
Plenty of ‘vomit fraud’ in US economy & the Fed is charging you for it - Max Keiser US 4yrs
Central banks on ‘suicide mission’ to explode ‘nuclear monetary bomb’ – RT's Keiser Report 4yrs
Size of America’s permanent underclass grows as Fed continues printing trillions for its ‘overl... US 4yrs
The global ‘black hole’ debt will soon top $100 TRILLION & 'We're about to get sucked into it'... 4yrs
‘Tables turned’: Investors who dismissed gold as ‘useless pet rock’ now see it as asset during... 4yrs
‘Walk of shame’: Banks beg the Fed for money & may all fall in domino effect 5yrs
China’s ‘tech juggernaut’ is just starting while it already dominates in tech space – investor... China US 5yrs
‘Commit all fraud you need as long as you support the US dollar’ – Max Keiser on JP Morgan scan... US 5yrs
US economy is like ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ – Max Keiser US 5yrs
Warren Buffett is a ‘fraud & charlatan,’ bitcoin is the future – Max Keiser 5yrs
Currency of resistance? Peaceful revolution is possible with bitcoin, crypto educator says 6yrs
What’s behind US labeling China a ‘threat’ & what if trade talks fail? Keiser Report weighs in China US 6yrs
Trump to make TV comeback? Max Keiser bets $1mn that president can’t beat him in ratings US 6yrs
SWIFT’s Iran ban will ‘expedite global de-dollarization’ – Max Keiser Iran 6yrs
Americans save $9 on sushi but aren't ready to demand for affordable healthcare – RT’s Keiser R... US 6yrs
US dollar dominance jeopardized by Russia-China alliance – Max Keiser US 6yrs
US govt doesn’t think people have intelligence to decipher news, hence censorship – Keiser US Russia 6yrs
'Wrecking ball' Trump rolls over European 'surrender monkeys' on trade - Max Keiser US 6yrs
Trump's goal to keep China from using 'nuclear option' of dumping US debt – Max Keiser China US 6yrs
Keiser Report on ‘Scamville’ USA where consumer debt is skyrocketing USA 6yrs
Why China has a better hand in trade war with Trump – RT’s Keiser Report China US 6yrs
Europe & Iran now have the perfect excuse to drop the US dollar – Max Keiser US Iran 6yrs
Why Russia is accused of ‘disrupting booming US energy industry’ – RT’s Keiser Report investiga... US Russia 6yrs
Why sanctions don’t work – RT’s Keiser Report lays out the facts 6yrs
Ballooning global debt & the impact on global economy – RT’s Keiser Report 6yrs