
Federal state in the South-West of Germany more on Wikipedia

Frigatte Baden-Württemberg breaks up in the Middle East Germany 1yr
Young Syrian refugee becomes mayor of conservative German village Germany Syria 1yr
Man stabs two girls and flees asylum shelter in Baden-Württemberg 2yrs
Two dead after shots at a supermarket Germany 3yrs
Action sharp against vaccinebetrüger in Germany Germany 3yrs
D: Aggressive angler with rifle shoots swan Germany 3yrs
Anger about German click line Tax Dads Germany 3yrs
Stuttgart arouses annoyance with 'click line' for tax subsets Germany 3yrs
Large children's porn raid: 33 objects searched 3yrs
Son forced to remove tribute to father because it looks like Hitler Germany 3yrs
After illegal parties: Hamburg loosens dance ban 3yrs
After illegal parties: Hamburg loosens dance ban 3yrs
From your choice: Greens want to continue with CDU government Germany 3yrs
Green in Baden-Württemberg Investment coalition decision: Winfried Kretschmann wants to go on w... 3yrs
German state elections: Victories for the Greens and the SPD Germany 3yrs
Merkel's party slumps to defeat in regional polls 3yrs
Harsh losses for Merkel's Christian Democrats Germany 3yrs
Angela Merkel's CDU takes major hit in regional elections — initial projections Germany 3yrs
The Christian Democrats are weakening, the Greens are growing. Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland... Germany 3yrs

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Germany: two test elections for post-Merkel Germany 3yrs
Merkel's fatal polls ahead of major elections. The corruption of CDU MPs is to blame 3yrs
Germany: in Swabia, environmentalists put to the test Germany 3yrs
DECLARED - Can the Greens defend their power? The most important questions and answers about th... Germany 3yrs
Eleven-year-old raped: three men in custody Germany 3yrs
With Winfried Kretschmann, the Greens in the southwest have become a people's party - now the r... 3yrs
Postal voters in state elections: off we go 3yrs
14-year-old is said to have killed younger boys (13) Germany 3yrs
Arrest for letter bombs in German food industry Germany 4yrs
After the bomb in Lidl headquarters: Hipp was also a target! Germany 4yrs
No experiments: Armin Laschet is elected leader of Germany’s CDU China US Russia Germany France UK Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany 4yrs
Mosque attacked for the second time in 2 weeks in southwestern Germany Germany 4yrs
Mosque attacked for the second time in 2 weeks in southwestern Germany Germany 4yrs
Coronavirus mutation reaches Germany Germany Great Britain 4yrs
The CDU recaptured the town hall in the green stronghold Stuttgart 4yrs
Mosque in Germany receives anti-Muslim hate mail Germany 4yrs
Expo in Dubai: Expensive pavilion for a non-nation 4yrs
No hand, no passport Lebanon 4yrs
Prime Minister involved in accident: child dead 4yrs
Prime Minister involved in serious accident 4yrs
Baden-Württemberg will Corona-Patienten aus Frankreich aufnehmen 4yrs
Six dead after gunman opens fire in Germany Germany 5yrs
Six people dead after gunman opens fire in town centre Germany 5yrs
Ride resembling 'flying swastikas' is shut down by German theme park Germany 5yrs
Family man kills wife and eight-year-old son Germany 5yrs
Dreaded bank robber turns out to be German of 80 years (!) Germany 5yrs
Car rages in pedestrian group - German (21) dead Germany 5yrs
EU Parliament: What does it matter and who sits in it? Germany France Italy 5yrs
Germany: Police arrest 10 terror suspects over Düsseldorf plot Germany 5yrs
AfD party leader gives the receipt of campaign assistance from Switzerland to | NZZ Switzerland 5yrs
Drunk man got into ambulance and drove off Germany 6yrs
Two dead (10 and 39) and many wounded by a chain collision Germany 6yrs
Teenager (17) kills mother and grandmother Germany 6yrs
Green country chief warns of "young men hordes" 6yrs
Kretschmann irritates the Greens with an attack on refugee groups | NZZ 6yrs
Winfried Kretschmann: Do not underestimate the patriotism of emigrants US Germany 6yrs
Thousands of German Students Protest ‘Unfair’ English Exam Germany UK 6yrs