Assadollah Assadi

Latest stories about Assadollah Assadi

Belgium aid worker freed in prisoner swap with Iranian diplomat jailed for bomb plot Iran Belgium 1yr
Belgium, Iran conduct prisoner swap in Oman Iran France Belgium Oman 1yr
Iran: Belgian is released after a prisoner exchange Iran Belgium 1yr
Belgian after a prisoner exchange with Iran Frei Iran Belgium 1yr
Belgian humanitarian aid Olivier Vandecasteele released during a "mutual exchange" of prisoners... Iran Belgium 1yr
By condemning a Belgian humanitarian aid to twenty-eight years in prison, Iran accentuates its... Iran Belgium 2yrs
International experts urge Belgian PM to resist pressure to release Iranian terrorist Iran Belgium 2yrs
Iranian diplomat will not appeal Belgian bomb plot conviction — lawyer Iran France Belgium 3yrs
Foiled attack by Villepinte: an Iranian diplomat definitely sentenced to 20 years in prison Iran Belgium 3yrs
UK must stand up to Iran: MPs Iran UK 4yrs
Iranian envoy Assadollah Assadi found guilty of Paris bomb plot - The Times Iran 4yrs
Iranian diplomat jailed for 20 years over bomb plot - Pakistan Observer Iran Pakistan France Belgium 4yrs
Time to crack down on Iran: European politicians Iran Belgium 4yrs
Belgian court sentences Iranian diplomat to 20 years over bomb plot Iran France Belgium 4yrs
Iranian Diplomat Is Convicted Over Plot to Bomb Opposition Rally in France Iran France Belgium 4yrs
France bomb plot: Iran diplomat Assadollah Assadi sentenced to 20 years Iran France Belgium 4yrs
Iran says won’t accept verdict in Belgian trial of diplomat accused in bomb plot Iran France Belgium 4yrs
Iranian diplomat goes on trial in Belgium for plot to bomb opposition rally Iran Belgium 4yrs
5 MPs escaped death after Iran official 'smuggled Mother of Satan bomb on plane’ Iran Belgium 4yrs

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Iran diplomat skips opening day of bomb plot trial Iran 4yrs
Iranian Diplomat Accused of Plotting to Bomb Dissidents Goes on Trial in Belgium Iran Belgium 4yrs
Five British MPs 'cheated death by terror bomb at Paris conference'  UK 4yrs
Iranian diplomat held in Belgium over ‘bomb plot’ Iran Germany France Belgium 6yrs
German court approves extradition of Iranian diplomat Iran Germany Belgium 6yrs