
Latest stories about Henoko

Okinawa Gov. refuses to approve design change for Henoko base 1yr
In Okinawa, Nago mayor defeats anti-U.S. base transfer rival US 3yrs
Controversial soil use in Henoko drawing more opposition 3yrs
Fears raised that war dead remains mixed in with Henoko landfill : The Asahi Shimbun 4yrs
Opposition leaders gather in Okinawa to highlight united front against Henoko U.S. base plan US 5yrs
Opposition leaders gather in Okinawa to highlight united front against Henoko U.S. base plan US 5yrs
Japan takes step to accelerate landfill work at planned Henoko base site US Japan 5yrs
“NO Henoko”: Protesters rally across 32 prefectures, five thousand at Diet Japan 5yrs
Japan's land minister voids Okinawa's move to halt construction of U.S. base at Henoko US Japan 5yrs
Land reclamation in Okinawa enters next stage at Henoko relocation site for U.S. Futenma base US 5yrs
Okinawa Gov. Tamaki's plea for one-month suspension to work on Henoko base rejected by Tokyo, e... 5yrs
Okinawa Gov. Tamaki's plea for one-month suspension to work on Henoko base rejected by Tokyo, e... 5yrs
Work to reinforce soft seabed at Henoko in Okinawa could delay U.S. Futenma base move by years US 5yrs
Okinawa’s Denny Tamaki requests three-way talks with Tokyo and U.S. on Henoko plan after ‘no’ v... US 6yrs
Outside Japan consulate in New York, protesters slam Abe's disregard for Okinawa 'no' vote on H... US Japan 6yrs
After strong 'no' vote, Okinawans look to highlight case against Henoko base plan in Tokyo and... 6yrs
Okinawa referendum rejects new US military base but Abe likely to press on US 6yrs
'Test of democracy': Okinawa votes in referendum on US base move US 6yrs
Okinawa residents head to polls for referendum on relocation of U.S. Futenma base to Henoko US 6yrs

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New Military Base Increases Calls For Okinawa's Independence US 6yrs
Some parts of Okinawa still may not vote in referendum on U.S. base transfer to Henoko US 6yrs
Okinawa activist launches hunger strike to protest cities staying out of vote on Henoko U.S. ba... US 6yrs
Government plans to start further landfill reclamation work at site of new base in Henoko from... 6yrs
Japanese government to start new round of Henoko reclamation work in March Japan 6yrs
Mayor blasts Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki as Ginowan city abstains from vote on Henoko land reclam... US 6yrs
Hawaiian activist with Okinawa roots is behind petition against Henoko base that garnered over... 6yrs
Tensions high in Okinawa as barges await orders to start filling in Henoko bay for U.S. base US 6yrs
Court rejects Okinawa's demand to halt U.S. Futenma base relocation to Henoko US 6yrs
Full-fledged landfill work for Henoko U.S. base site to begin on Dec. 14 US 6yrs
Japan plans to begin Henoko landfill work in mid-December US Japan 6yrs
Japan plans to begin Henoko landfill work in mid-December US Japan 6yrs
In New York, Okinawa governor calls opposition to Henoko U.S. base the will of the people US Japan 6yrs
Biracial Okinawa governor Denny Tamaki plans visit to U.S. to urge Americans to halt Henoko bas... US 6yrs
Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki pledges further action to stop construction of Henoko base US 6yrs
70,000 rally in Okinawa over US military base relocation US Japan 6yrs