Enrico Letta

Italian politician more on Wikipedia

Enrico Letta, former Italian Prime Minister: "The single market is going through a dangerous mo... Italy 1yr
Italy’s center-left leader Enrico Letta to stand down after election defeat Italy 2yrs
In Italy, electoral defeat plunges the Democratic Party into the crisis Italy 2yrs
Election analysis Italy: The non -voters are the strongest strength Italy 2yrs
Election analysis Italy: The non -voters are the strongest strength Italy 2yrs
Analysis of the parliamentary elections: "Party of the non -voters" is the strongest political... Italy 2yrs
How Enrico Letta plunged the Italian left Italy 2yrs
Election campaign in Italy: Meloni and the "socialist" Chancellor Scholz Italy 2yrs
Election campaign in Italy: Meloni and the "socialist" Chancellor Scholz Italy 2yrs
Strong Russian interference to help right says Letta - English Russia UK 2yrs
Media, Salvini Tallona Draghi for quotes and tears to melons the primacy Italy 3yrs
In Italy, Enrico Letta advocates the recovery of inheritance rights Italy 3yrs
Italy's Social Democrats: Letta, the Savior France Italy 3yrs
Enrico Letta arrives as a savior at the head of the Italian Democratic Party Italy 3yrs
Italian ex-prime minister Enrico Letta elected to lead Democratic party Italy 3yrs
Former Prime Minister Enrico Letta returns to Rome to spare the Italian Democratic Party the "F... France Italy 3yrs
Former head of government: Salvini could lead Italy "out of the EU" Italy 5yrs
You need to end the brexit telenovela UK Italy 5yrs
Italexit: Remainer fears Salvini could WIN election on simple EU or NO EU agenda Italy 6yrs