Robin Swann

Northern Irish politician more on Wikipedia

Robin Swann says less chance of severe restrictions if more people get jab 3yrs
Northern Ireland health service ‘pulling out all the stops’ to match England’s goal to provide... Ireland England 3yrs
Walk-in booster jabs available for over-30s in Northern Ireland after increase in Omicron cases Ireland 3yrs
Keys points as Robin Swann warns Omicron variant could already be NI 3yrs
Omicron variant may already be in NI, warns Health Minister Robin Swann Ireland 3yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Plans activated to identify spread of new variant Omicron Ireland 3yrs
Iconic singer Van Morrison sued over Covid-19 comments Ireland 3yrs
Northern Irish minister complains of singer of Morrison due to defamation Ireland 3yrs
Northern Ireland health minister to sue Van Morrison over Covid remarks Ireland 3yrs
Robin Swann: Get vaccinated before Christmas 3yrs
Robin Swann: Get vaccinated before Christmas 3yrs
Eight Covid deaths provide ‘stark reminder’ of pandemic’s impact – Swann Ireland 3yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Swann in jabs plea before vaccination centres shut Ireland 3yrs
Coronavirus NI: Swann issues warning after more than 1,000 cases reported for first time since... 3yrs
Coronavirus: Robin Swann concerned by rise in Covid-19 cases Ireland 3yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: 123 new cases as Robin Swann receives Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Ireland 3yrs
Nortern Ireland Covid vaccine programme extended: One of the advantages of being over 50, says... Ireland 3yrs
Covid-19: Vaccines now available in NI to everyone aged 50 and over 3yrs
Covid-19: NI vaccination programme extended to carers Ireland 4yrs

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International arrivals into NI will have to prove they are Covid-19 virus-free Ireland 4yrs
Northern Ireland urged to heed warnings as Covid-19 figures hit a record high Ireland 4yrs
Covid-19: Robin Swann warns against New Year's Eve parties 4yrs
Coronavirus: More restrictions in new year 'inevitable' in NI 4yrs
Robin Swann slams 'misleading' vaccine claims by anti-abortion activists 4yrs
Coronavirus: Health Minister Robin Swann says hopes of a return to normality soon are 'entirely... Ireland 4yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Swann warns normality will not return in November as nine deaths... Ireland 4yrs
Coronavirus: Death of young person shows there's 'no such thing as invincibility' from virus, s... 4yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: We are 'beginning to the corner' on second wave, says Health Mini... Ireland 4yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: We are 'beginning to the turn corner' on second wave, says Health... Ireland 4yrs
Van Morrison lockdown protest songs 'dangerous' 4yrs
Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Robin Swann announces investigation into Covid-19 outbreaks at Cr... Ireland 4yrs
NI health minister warns of new virus restrictions 4yrs
'Fresh lockdown cannot be ruled out' - NI Health Minister Robin Swann Ireland 4yrs
Northern Ireland records no new coronavirus cases for first time since lockdown Ireland 4yrs
NI takes delivery of £60m PPE order from China China 4yrs
Health minister intervenes in case of nurse fighting for life after working in Clifton Care Hom... 4yrs
Coronavirus: Robin Swann says lockdown debate getting ahead of itself Ireland 4yrs
'Complacency is our biggest enemy,' warns Robin Swann, as 20 further Covid-19 deaths confirmed... Ireland 4yrs
Coronavirus updates: 'Complacency is our biggest enemy,' warns Robin Swann, as 20 further Covid... Ireland 4yrs
Big increase in coronavirus tests in NI 4yrs
Varadkar blasted and told to 'step up' on Brexit backstop responsibility in enraged rant Ireland 5yrs
UUP leader critical of Govt approach to Brexit talks 6yrs